Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st


December is definitely my favorite month of the year! The name of my blog & Instagram account actually came from a Christmas hymn because I love Christmas SO MUCH.

I kind of liked having a theme to blog on last month (gratitude) & while I totally bombed the whole posting every day thing & probably won't try that again for a while, I think I might try & go for another theme this month. 

So, I decided on SERVICE! And all things random & Christmas, of course. But mostly service! Christmas can become so much about getting instead of giving, but really it's the perfect opportunity to give back to everyone who's helped you out through the year. So this month I'll be sharing service ideas & fun things you can do to give back, from little to big.


Happy December!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fall Favorites/Things I'm Grateful For

Hellooooo! I thought a fun post for today would be kind of a combo theme - I've been wanting to do a 'Fall Favorites' post & then I thought, "Hmm, is that too beauty guru YouTube-y, which is totally not what I'm going for?" (Nothing against beauty gurus, that's just not what I'm going for) So basically I came around to the conclusion that it's my blog & I can do what I want. No, honestly I do care what you guys think, but I thought it would be fun so we'll try this. Kay? Kay.

Also I'm not sure if it's still really fall, but I'm pretty sure it's not technically winter. So I'm going to say it's NOT too late to do this. Another reason I waited so long is because I thought it would go really well with Thanksgiving - because everything I love I'm also grateful for! Ya see?

That was a long introduction & probably unnecessary but OH WELL. Props to you for reading to here(;

Let's do this.

•My military jacket! I got it at Böhme maybe 2 months ago & I wear it pretty much allll the time. It's warm, it has 80,000 pockets, & it's cute. I have no complaints. (You can get similar ones basically anywhere - Forever21, American Eagle, etc.)
•IPSY. It's a subscription that I think is $5 a month. You receive a makeup bag with 4-5 products once a month. I love getting different things than I would usually try. There's so much variety & it's really fun to get packages in the mail, am I right?(; 
•Benefit 'They're Real!' Mascara. This really goes along with Ipsy because that's how I got it! Pretty sure it's overly expensive but I absolutely love it - if I had money you could probably talk me into buying it. I'M A FAN.
•BOOTS. My #1 pair I actually got like a week ago... They're from Gordman's & they're the GREATEST thing. Not to mention I bought them for $13 so I'm pretty proud of myself. Someday I'll put a pic (currently at my grandparent's so I don't have them with me) so I don't have to describe them for you - but if you need boots, Gordman's is your place!
•Old Navy flannel. Hit up their Black Friday sale because it's BOMB

•Costco pumpkin pie. Because what else do you eat for breakfast?
•My Sunbeam heated blanket - honestly I can't survive the cold without it!
•Mockingjay Part 2. BEST MOVIE EVER. Seriously it made me so sad & so happy. Team Peeta all the way 👊
•The new unicorn emoji 🦄🦄🦄 (which I'm pretty sure doesn't show up, but you get what I'm saying)
•Pumpkin Spice Popcorn - also found at Costco. IT'S LIKE FALL IN A BAG.
•Pumpkin Pie Bath & Body Works candle. To be honest I've been burning it since August!

I can't think of anything else but I'm sure there are a few more out there - basically these are the highlights of my fall! Things I love & things you should check out(:


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grateful? Grateful.

Shoutout to me for totally killing it at posting everyday on gratitude. And by killing it, I mean not doing it. At all. 

I mean, I do have justifiable reasons. I'm actually working on a new blog on a different website/platform thingamabob - same blog as you're on right now, just different look, ya feel? Hopefully that will be live SOON! 

Then there's the fact that holidays are always insane. And our trimester ends this week so I've been focusing on grades more than anything. 

Regardless of all of that, I just wanted to post and say how grateful I am for Thanksgiving. It gives me a chance to step back and see how wonderful my life really is, & remember just how much I take for granted.

This morning I'm sitting watching VeggieTales with my little brother. Our dog, Toby, is sound asleep in the corner. My dad's at bishopric meetings, my other little brother is at the nursing home passing the sacrament. Brooks, my older brother, is at the single's ward for the last time. He gives his mission farewell next Sunday and leaves for the MTC the Wednesday after that. My mom's upstairs going over her Gospel Doctrine lesson.

Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot to you. But to me, it's a perfect representation of what I think of my family. Each and every one of them is such an example to me. We aren't a perfect family, no one is, but I have a good relationship with them and that's more than a lot of people can say. My friends are pretty neat. My classes are good. I have so many incredible opportunities. I have a life that I get to learn from, every day - I think we all do, if we look hard enough. I have the true gospel & I know where I came from, where I'm going and why I'm here. The rest doesn't mean much, but I'm so grateful for it - the food on my table and the roof over my head. Life is good. It's not perfect, but it never needed to be.

Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you! May we look at everything with more of an open mind and a happy spirit of gratitude. Appreciate your family, your friends, and anything & everything God has blessed you with. Life is good when you're grateful.


(Alvin & the Chipmunks @ Shriner's Hospital this week)

Monday, November 9, 2015


••I didn't have time to write a blog post today so I went through my drafts & found this that I never published! It's from the end of September & while a lot has changed since then, I think the message is the same thing I would give now. Today I'm grateful for change & for direction from God - I was going through a rough time when I wrote this & today I can proudly say that things are working out! Enjoy(; ••

Hey! It's been a little while! I feel like doing an update because the last month has been quite interesting.

First of all & on a very HAPPY note, we got a dog! His name is Toby Bartholomew Taylor & he's 9 weeks old. He is seriously the cutest thing ever!! He's a goldendoodle, which means he's a mix of a golden retriever and a poodle. Whoever decided to try that combo out was a genius because honestly... look at that.

I have never been a dog person but this little guy is converting me! We got him on Friday & having a puppy is kind of like having a newborn - seriously exhausting but so much fun!

I've also basically spent the month living in a 'flare-up' of CMT (I blogged a little about what CMT is in several of my past posts!). I think going up and down the stairs at school & starting play practice just triggered this reaction in me. I went to an eye specialist a week or two ago and turns out I need surgery on my right eye. I have a weak muscle/a slight lazy eye, and it's actually been affecting my vision the last couple of months. My parents really don't want to drive with me because I can't see the road or signs (; The eye doctor told me that I shouldn't be driving until I get my eye fixed - which stinks because it means I have to put off driver's ed. There's a couple of factors that go into this eye surgery - 1) They are cutting into my eye and that's like risking blindness no matter what, even though it is a tiny chance. Plus there is the fact that if I don't do the surgery at some point, I'm still risking going blind in that eye or seriously losing vision. Realistically there's a slim to none chance that I'll actually go blind, but that doesn't really change the fact that eye surgery sounds scary!! 

2) After the surgery my eye will be 100% bloodshot for anywhere from 1-2 months. That means that anything white in my eye will be red. I Googled pictures and guys, it's scary looking. The eye doctor straight up told me that no one will want to look at me for a couple months there. So that kind of changes when we do it! I could get it done over Christmas break & go to school with it - I turn 16 in February so then I would be able to drive when I actually should be able to! But I would go to school looking like a terrifying monster, & I don't know about you but I'm not really digging that option! I could also wait until the summer to do it, but then I'd have to deal with my vision even longer and put off driving until next August. I'm not too pumped about that either.

Here's the root of all of it though - they think my eye is lazy/weak because of my CMT. Apparently there is a certain type of CMT that can weaken your eye muscles. We aren't for sure that I have that type so I don't know if I want to go blaming it on that yet, buuut the reality is it's affecting more than I thought it would. The possibility of it affecting my eyes and my vision kind of makes me nervous. 

Back to what I was saying about the CMT flare-up - my eye is just a part of that. My calf muscles and my Achilles and my feet just hurt, so much of the time. I can't do the stairs at school so I had to get an elevator key, which so far I've been too stubborn to use. My hands and arms feel like they're on vibrate. My fingers clench sometimes and it feels like I can't pull them back up. I can't get my heel to hit the floor without serious strain, and really I'm just tired all the time.

I have an appointment at Shriner's Hospital in SLC in a couple of weeks, where they have CMT specialists. We're looking into different braces/surgeries/physical therapy - whatever options they have for us. At this point I am definitely willing to try surgery because I've heard good things about the procedure one of the doctors recommended. We would probably just do the eye and one of my leg surgeries around the same time if we decided that was an option. We're also looking at the possibility of homeschooling, because that would be the easiest with these potential surgeries & braces, & I'm really struggling with school right now. I don't really see homeschooling as a giving up option, more of a 'This is better' option. Honestly I'm happy with whatever is best.

And that's what I'm trying to say here - I have some fear. Fear that I can see the reality of the doctor who told me I probably wouldn't be able to walk at some point in my life. Fear of surgeries, and change, and actually having to deal with some things. But above all of that fear, I'm learning to find the faith. I can't do this by myself, and that's where Christ comes in. I truly believe that with Christ, I will be able to walk my whole life - if that's what I'm meant to do. Parts of my path may be tough but I'm learning to not be afraid of those pieces. I honestly have it so good compared to what it could be. Wherever my path takes me is okay, as long as I keep the Lord on my side.

I absolutely love this quote from Women's Conference & I think it's appropriate to end that topic with it!


To end on a happier note, I finally finished up my job at the snowie stand 3ish weeks ago. I miss the money but not the job! (; I don't think my life calling is working in a snowie stand unfortunately, but it was a fun opportunity & not a bad way to spend the summer!

I'm also in our high school play - Footloose - & so far so good. I have a love hate relationship with theater but I'm honestly enjoying this one! There are so many good people in the show & I think it'll be a fun production. 

I think that's all on my end! Happy Tuesday & (almost!) happy October!!


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 2

Today I'm thankful for 1:00 church! Because I like sleep... & I like going to church... & this way, that works out(;

Happy Sabbath!

(Here's a random & somewhat blurry - sorry - pic of my ward's YW @ youth conference. Because church.. YW's... Kay.)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Month of Gratitude

I'm late on this. But that's okay - better late than never, right?(;

I've loved seeing people post daily (during the month of November) what they're grateful for & I decided that would be a really good thing for me, too! I honestly want to see if I can come up with enough things to talk about that I'm grateful for. I'm pretty dang blessed & I don't recognize it like I should, so I think this is a way cool opportunity to remind myself to look a little bit past myself!!

So let's go at it!

Day 1 (I guess 7 considering it's November 7th!): 
Say whaaaat? Yes, the first thing I'm thankful for in November is CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! Usually I try really hard to avoid listening to it until around Thanksgiving, because once I start listening to it - I can't stop! This year that's gone out the window because I've already started with the music, movies AND decoration. I'm slightly ashamed. Christmas music really just makes me SO happy!! And today I had to clean the bathroom so that was my only motivation, haha! I absolutely LOVE the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. It's really such a beautiful time of gratitude, love, family & the Spirit. YAY!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Infinitely More

Something that's been interesting about posting on here is how many people read it that I actually know. I'm cool with sharing things with strangers, but when it comes to people I know? It's awkward. Then again, it's probably good - I say so much more on here than I would in person, which I think would be true about anyone whose thoughts you were reading rather than hearing... if that makes any sense.

The more people learn about the fact that I have a 'muscle disorder', the more they genuinely treat me differently. I wish I could show this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland to all of them - "We are infinitely more than our limitations and our afflictions." I am literally the exact same person I was a month ago. I like to think I grew a little more as a person (not heightwise, I totally wish though), but besides that, nothing's changed. Believe it or not, I've known my entire life that I have this muscle disorder. I didn't know so much what it meant, & I didn't have to deal with it as much, but it's always been a part of me. The fact that you now know about it doesn't change anything about me. And here's the thing about the changes I've had to make & how I feel day to day - it's not a big deal. It might sound like a big deal, but honestly, for me it is truly just living. It just feels like life & I'm living it! Kay?(;

Okay. That's really only one of the purposes of me writing this post, but I wanted to throw that out there!

The second & actual point of this is that we are all so much more than any aspect of our lives. You're so much more than the number of friends you have, your grades, what clubs you're in & whether or not you were asked to Prom. Your potential is limitless. Today doesn't define the rest of your life. Choose to treat today like the small part of eternity it is & you'll recognize how little the 'big' things really are. Don't let the dumb things define you.

It's funny reading through people's Twitter accounts & seeing how unhappy so many of them are. I get that it's just a snapshot of their lives, but holy cow - it feels like 98% complaining. And I get it. LIFE IS HARD. HIGH SCHOOL IS HARD. I'll be the first to say it. But it's such a small part of everything. Four years - basically three where I live - of your life that won't matter ten years from now. Things that seem so dramatic, & frustrating, & all important in the moment. You're more than those moments. Your life is more than the hard things today, next week & next year. Keep your perspective. I promise it makes all the difference.


Friday, October 23, 2015

God's Plan

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that God is right. Always. His plan is the very best because He can see it all - especially compared to our short-term views. It's so much easier to focus on what we want right now, & not see the long-term consequences of our decisions.

Basically what I'm rambling about is this - trust in God. Wherever you are in life right now, whether you're at the lowest of lows or life is pretty grand for you, turn yourself over to God. I promise His plan for you is better than anything you can envision or create for yourself, & He'll carry you through every step of it.

I've seen this a lot in my own life lately. Let's be honest, if I had it my way I would have kept going to full days of school, stayed in the school play, & ignored anything I was dealing with. Fortunately God intervened & I realized that what I was doing wasn't what I needed to be doing. So I took a big step & switched over to half days. Best decision EVER. And of course it was - it's what the spirit kept telling me to do. Has it been easy? In some ways, yes. Other ways not so much! I had to drop my theater class & I miss it so much more than I thought I would - I seriously ask my friends every day what they did in theater, haha! That's been frustrating to give up something that I genuinely love doing. Same thing with dropping out of the school play - frustrating.

But - when God closes a door, He opens a window(; In this case the window was a play at our community theater. This show doesn't involve any dancing, & with cutting back on school, I'm finally able to handle something like that. I tried out yesterday & I'm so excited to see how it goes. Whether I make it or not, I'm so grateful to God for directing me in a new path & giving me new opportunities, however small they may be. When we're obedient to His will, we'll find our peace!

God's plan may not be exactly what we want it to be. Maybe it's nothing like what we want it to be! And it doesn't come without its trials & sorrows. But I can promise you this - it's the best way. When you're struggling, turn to Him & ask Him what needs to change. Be patient. Trust in the Lord & His timing. Whether today, next week, or 3 years from now, it will all work out - in one way or another!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

I Love Conference

As many of you probably know, the LDS church had general conference this last weekend. General conference lasts Saturday & Sunday, two weekends a year (April & October). Basically it's where members of the Latter-Day Saint church gather together to hear modern revelation from prophets and apostles of God. It's one of my favorite weekends of the entire year! It's always exactly what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. It's how I knew I wanted to get my patriarchal blessing two years ago, & it brought me so much peace last year when I was sick (especially President Uchtdorf's talk, 'Grateful in Any Circumstance'). This conference brought even more faith & answers. Here are a couple of the many amazing quotes from conference & what they meant to me!

This last month of starting school has been so hard on me. I'm a fan of high school for sure, but the walking & the stairs are murder on my legs. It's all caused this 'flare-up' of CMT (if you haven't read my 'Learned More Than Lost' post I highly recommend reading it first, so you're not totally confused(; ) that's lasted for the entire month and is still going strong. Basically it gives me really bad acid reflux by weakening my stomach muscles & causing a certain type of hernia (not the kind that needs surgery, honestly I'm not really sure how this all works!) that pushes up on my ribs & chest. It also weakens my hands and arms, so my fingers clench and my wrists hurt. I get seriously shaky so it feels like I'm on vibrate. Mostly though, it affects my legs. From my feet to my thighs, the pain ranges from electric to achy to 'how do I even walk right now'. I'm tired a lot of the time & in pain almost as often. Overcoming that mentally & getting up and going on with life when everything is screaming at me not to is incredibly hard! I for sure have good days & I have bad days, but it's learning to find a way to carry on & be happy through the rough ones. There were so many talks in conference about trials and being able to overcome them through Christ. This quote means worlds to me! He knows what each and every one of us is going through, and He is there through it all - if we're willing to turn to Him. Sometimes it feels like no one can really understand what having a disorder that affects your nerves is like, because it's not very visible. Unless you're wearing braces or a boot, no one can see what's wrong with you. Knowing that Christ understands & has been through everything we're going through is such a comforting thing!

So, with this CMT thing, I've been missing a ton of school & a lot of play practice. I really can't make it through a full day of school, I'm so tired & ready to be done by 4th hour, which has made me miss my 4th-6th hours wayyy more than I should be. The dancing at play practice was also really hard on me - one 2 hour play practice made me so sore, I missed 2 days of school. So, I've had to make a few decisions. One of those was to quit the play. I'm sad to be giving up something I love so much, but I know it's really the right thing to do. More than anything I feel peaceful about it, & I can't wait to see the finished show!

The other decision I made was to switch over to half days of school. This was a hard one. I dropped my first three hours, one of which was theater. That was a something I debated back and forth on for a long time! I LOVE that class. But. I fasted about it, prayed about it, & thought about it more than anything else, and I know this is what I need to do. I'll be taking all of my core classes online & going to school for the extra classes I can keep in the afternoon, like choir & seminary. I don't feel like this decision was out of my control, & I don't feel at all like I'm giving anything up by making it. I could've forced it & kept doing full days. I didn't want to. And I know that it's God's will that I be home part-time. Like the quote says - "The Lord will guide us to & through our next steps." This is my next step, & one I'm making with The Lord on my side. I'm so grateful to have that spiritual direction in my life - I don't know what I would do without it!! 

Something I haven't been doing as much as I should be is trusting in the Lord! I was reminded of that this last week when I fasted & prayed about switching to half days. One thing I still struggle with & haven't done is read my scriptures!! For seminary we're supposed to be somewhere in Genesis, annnd I'm in Moses 3... Whoops. Conference reminded me that I need to get in shape & pick up my scriptures! 

So, to sum up a beautiful conference with plenty of answers & words I needed to hear, I'll leave you with this quote from Koichi Aoyagi - "Put God first, regardless of the trials you face. Love God. Have faith in Christ, & entrust yourself to Him in all things." I promise your answers are in Christ. How lucky are we that we have modern revelation from God through our prophets & apostles?? Turn to Him, listen to His prophet's words, & you will find the peace you need!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Top Mutual Ideas

Last week my Mia Maid presidency met to plan our class activities for the rest of the year. My ward also has meetings at the beginning of the year to plan most of our activities, but no matter how hard you try some activities end up last minute! I've been going through Pinterest & I've found SO many fun ideas!! Some of them are last minute, some have been tried out by my own ward, & some are classics - but all of them are/look so great! Whether you have a planning meeting coming up or your plans fell through last minute, hopefully you find this list helpful!

#1 - Ice Blocking/Sledding
These are two of the greatest, most basic mutual activities out there. Some of my favorite memories come from sledding & ice blocking with the young men/women in my ward. If you haven't heard of ice blocking (where have you been??) basically you buy a block of ice from whatever grocery store you can find it, put a towel over it, sit on it and slide down a hill! I highly recommend doing this during the summer because the ice will melt faster, which makes it so much more fun - my ward went last week & we had so much fun! Sledding is pretty self explanatory, just throw in some cookies & hot chocolate and you're good to go!

Service in any form is a good option! One of my favorites my ward has done was sewing bags for Days for Girls kits. We've also done babysitting nights during Relief Society activities (or during the Christmas season so parents can go Christmas shopping), gone caroling in nursing homes, and made meals and gifts for new families in our ward. We're also right by a temple & once we went and put post-it notes on car windows there, thanking them for their temple attendance. Look around you and find the things that need to be done in your ward! Rake leaves, heart attack your bishop, visit the elderly in your ward (you have no idea how much some of them appreciate this - key note is 'some', haha!). It's a good last minute activity and it's sure to make someone's day!

#3 - Photography
We haven't ever done anything like this but I think it sounds like so much fun! Take a camera or two and let the young women (or young men!) go take pictures. If you have a temple nearby that's definitely a good place to go! If you can, have a serious photographer come and teach them some tips on how to take better pictures. I don't know about you, but I love taking pictures & I would be more than happy to spend an hour doing it! Plus you could definitely apply the activity to Knowledge in Personal Progress.

#4 - Spa Night
Okay, this is definitely not one for the Young Men, but it's a classic all the same! You can definitely go full out and have different stations like painting nails, doing hair & really anything you can come up with, but one of my favorite last minute activities was when we made a brown sugar body scrub (like this one here!) & decorated the jars we put it in, then took a few to the girls who weren't there. It was fun, simple & easy!

#5 - Life Sized Games
These activities definitely take more prep, but they're so worth it & way fun! A couple months ago my ward played Angry Birds (someday I'll write a post about that & link it here) which I was in charge of, and I got a lot of my inspiration from THIS & THIS blog. It was a crazy chaotic activity but it was a lot of fun! We're also playing 'Hungry Hungry Hippos' in a week or two (like on this blog HERE) & I'll have to let you know how that goes too! I'm sure there are more ideas like these - they're fun, big & definitely memorable!

#6 - Shaving Cream
You would be amazed by the fun you can have with shaving cream! We had a 'pie war' once where we filled up pie tins with shaving cream, put on garbage bags and went to town attacking each other with them - we ate actual pie after, of course! (There was a purpose to us doing this, we had to earn the pies through personal progress) We've also played shaving cream Twister where we put shaving cream on each circle. Another way to play this would be to dye the shaving cream to match the color of dot it's on, or to play it with paint - that's how I would LOVE to do it, so if you do be sure to invite me (; Be willing to be a little out there & you can come up with fun and easy activities!

#7 - Baking
So simple. (What can I say, I like the basics!) Just get together & bake something! It applies to Knowledge because you're learning how to make it, or you can apply it to Good Works #2 (helping your family with meals for two weeks) & make a freezer meal or two. The Mia Maids in my ward will be making enchiladas in a month or two to fill that exact requirement! Another idea is to bake bread & donate it for sacrament meeting - just be sure to let the Young Men know that that's what you're doing! (;

#8 - Missionaries
Use a mutual activity to remember your ward's missionaries! Make them care packages, write them letters, send them pictures - let them know you're thinking about them! If you have any recently returned missionaries, have them come speak, or do something with the missionaries currently serving in your ward! So many ideas & options.

There are really so many ideas for mutual activities. Do what fits your ward, keep the spirit & have fun!


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Why I Go to Church

This is one of those posts that I don't really want to write, but I feel like it's important to put out there.  I've had this prompting to write it for quite a while, but I've been ignoring it! Clearly that's over and here I am!

Something I've been asking myself a lot lately is, "Why do I go to church?". I've been at this crossroad so many times already in my life, and I'm only 15! I don't think this is at all because the church isn't true. I think it's because the Lord needs youth who are so much stronger, so much sooner - and we become stronger through our trials. I know we do.

The past couple of Sunday mornings have kind of set me on edge. Let me explain this though! There are a few reasons that add up to this... 1) One of my callings in my ward is ward organist. I don't really like being the ward organist. Okay, let's be honest - I kind of hate it! It scares the heck out of me. Playing in front of a whole congregation of people on an instrument I'm not super comfortable with - though it is a lot like a piano, which is what I play - is so hard for me! I've had the calling for almost a year and it's still not something I feel great about. It doesn't help that both of my older brothers have been ward organists before/with me, and they have so much more experience than I do. I feel like I can't live up to that! Which is exactly why this calling is probably so great for me - I think it might just be helping me knock down my pride a little(; I think in the long run I'll be grateful for it, but there are definitely Sunday's where I have minor panic attacks over it. Playing the organ is not a big deal, but to me it kinda is!

Another thing I struggle with is young women's. I love my leaders! Every Sunday, they teach a lesson that is exactly on point with what I need. They're seriously so kind and great to work with, and I have loved being a Mia Maid. What I do struggle with is the other young women. The past couple of years I've felt really secure in my place in our young women's class. I had my two best friends who I've loved since 4th grade, and I stuck with them. Halfway through this year, we had a new young woman move into our ward. At first, nothing really changed. Then one of my friends started inviting her to parties, and everything else with her friends. I thought it was all good, because they were both in the grade above me and it made sense that they would be together. Then, at girls camp, I found myself seriously alone. The two of them went off alone in the tents, talking about their friends from school and the boys they liked. (Which was really annoying by the way) They didn't sit by me at meals or firesides. They didn't just ignore me and my other friend, though - they were unkind about it, too. It was so hard. Within a week, it felt like I had lost one of my best friends - mostly because I had! The Sunday after girls camp, I found myself sitting in the row behind them. I've always been one of those slightly annoying girls who sits in the front row, and for the first time in young women's, I was in the middle. It's so dumb, but it really hurt. We stopped talking to each other, sitting by each other - I felt replaced. I was pretty determined after that first Sunday that I wasn't going to come to young women's anymore. No big deal, right? Sacrament meeting was all I needed to be there for!

Here's the longgg story short - I kept going to young women's. And Sunday School. And sacrament meeting. And no, I was not released from playing the organ. I still sit in front of the congregation and play every other week, and I still sit in the second row in young women's. But why? Why would I do that when, let's be honest, it would probably be so much easier to ask to be released from the organ and just not show up to church?

That's something I've been asking myself, too. It's something I had to ask myself that first Sunday, and pretty much every one after that. And I think I might have something resembling an answer.

I go to church because I know what it's like to not go. Last year, when I was so sick, I didn't go to church for almost 4 months. I didn't take the sacrament or participate in a young women's lesson for 16 Sunday's in a row. Do you even know how long that is?? And I felt it. Not taking the sacrament for that long changed my whole perspective on it. We need it, and we need to be there for it. And we need to be there for the talks and lessons, too. No matter how much you learn about the gospel, it will never be all there is to learn about it! There are so many precious truths & incredible testimonies and experiences you're missing out on when you're not at church.

So I guess the main reason I go is because I need it. As much as my pride wants to say that I don't, I do. I need my Savior and I need the gospel, and I can't make it without either. Friendships and feeling like you 'belong' or have a social place in young women's are all good things, but that's not why we're there. And it's not something that should determine whether you go to church or not. I've been learning that the hard way - some Sunday's I just don't really want to deal with anything, and I still leave after sacrament meeting. Which isn't GOOD but it's something I'm working on overcoming! You may not fit in with your Young Women's group but you are never alone when you rely on God. Don't go because you want to be accepted by others, go because it's what will make your life better. Going to church can be hard, but life is so much harder - especially without it!


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dear Seminary Teachers

Today's post is mostly directed towards seminary teachers & seminary students - here's a few of my thoughts that I've had as I've gone back to seminary these last 2 weeks! (It's my 2nd year)

I honestly kind of struggle in seminary. I couldn't really tell you exactly why - I love the gospel! I love learning more and more about the teachings of the prophets, especially in such a different way with a whole variety of people. This year is especially great because it's my first year at the high school, so I'm combined with sophomores, juniors & seniors. It's really a great and powerful way to learn. I live in Utah so seminary is one of my classes during school, which is perfect. It's a break from the chaos and all of the 'fun' stuff, and I definitely need it!

And yet... I'm that kid who sits on the opposite side of the room from the teacher's desk. I generally use my phone for my scriptures, and I find myself wandering - a lot! When someone texts you or you get a notification from Instagram, it's so hard to not switch right over to that. And as much as I don't want to admit it, a lot of times I don't think twice about scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed instead of listening to class.

I also play piano & accompany my ward on the organ in sacrament meeting, so I definitely know how to play hymns. Anyone who's been in a seminary class knows one of the first things seminary teachers ask you is whether or not you are willing to play hymns on the piano. I'll be the first to admit that I'm kind of a punk about this! If you ask me personally and call me out on it, I'll tell you I play piano and I'll play in seminary... but there's a good chance I'm not going to volunteer that information! It's so terrible, honestly I feel a little like I'm just over here confessing my sins, haha! But let's keep going because there is a point to me saying this.

So, I'm a stinker in seminary. I don't really like raising my hand or sharing opinions, I'm not a fan of playing piano in there, and I really like Instagram. I'm your stereotypical difficult teenager.

But WHY? Why is my attitude towards seminary not so great? I wish I could blame it on my teacher, but unfortunately, he's one of the coolest teachers I've had in general and his lessons are always great - so there's no blame to be had there! I can't throw it at the kids in my class either, because I managed to end up with a couple of my friends and everyone else in my class is so sweet. So I guess I'm striking out on blaming other people here (shocker!).

It really comes down to me and my attitude. For some bizarre reason I'm cranky about seminary and I honestly can't pinpoint an exact reason. But the minute I walk in that classroom, I shut off. Maybe Satan knows that seminary's a really great thing and he's doing his best to stop me from that - I really don't know! Either way, I fall into it way too easily. But I get to choose whether I do or not.

Last week, my seminary teacher gave a lesson that was so spot on with something I was struggling with, that I couldn't help but put down my phone and my bad attitude and listen. It was such a good lesson, and it almost felt like it was pointed directly towards me. So, I decided that I really needed to get over myself and put a little more effort into seminary. The next day, I gave my phone to my friend who was sitting in front of me, and I brought my actual set of scriptures. AND I raised my hand and volunteered to play piano. I got so much more out of the class and I felt so much happier. I still had my moments, but it was a much better experience when I put the same effort into it that my teacher did.

So, here's what I'd want to say to seminary teachers - keep going. Those obnoxious teenagers who are sitting in the back of your classroom, playing on their phones, are listening - at least somewhat. And one day you might just have a message for them that they really, really need to hear. Chances are they don't actually hate you, or what you're saying - they just have their own challenges and struggles, and sometimes actively listening is just a little too hard. Trust me, I've basically been that person, and my seminary teacher has already made a difference for me.

And here's a word of advice to seminary students - please put your phones away. If you need them for your scriptures, don't get off of the gospel library app. But if there's any chance of you bringing actual, physical scriptures, do it - it will make so much of a difference! Do what you need to do to get off your phone and get into class. And be HAPPY about it! Attitude is everything, and seminary really is something to be positive about! I PROMISE.

Here's to another week!

Monday, August 31, 2015


Today I started HIGH SCHOOL!

It was crazy. I'm sure it'll be good but you guys - it's SO. MUCH. None of my classes were bad & I knew at least one person in every single one, which I seriously appreciated. Most of my teachers are a little on the weird side which is honestly awesome. Mostly it's just how big the school is! I feel so lost all of the time, although I will say I wasn't tardy once. I couldn't find anyone I knew & I took AP Psychology which I think will be great but I'm still a little terrified to be honest. I seriously got a syllabus today because I am in a COLLEGE CLASS. When did that happen?

THANKFULLY I have seminary 6th hour. I don't know my teacher or class yet because today they just had us all in one big group (they're teaching 4 classes during 6th hour - welcome to Utah). I'm really excited for it though. And I'm really, really grateful that I have it 6th hour! It gives me something to look forward to.

Our seminary theme this year is Joshua 24:15 - "Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

They asked us why we choose Christ. Individually, every day, why do we choose to serve & follow Christ? I didn't raise my hand and answer, but I figured if I blogged about it I would feel a little less guilty(; But seriously, it made me think. Why do I choose Christ?

It's not because my parents force me to, although I would be lying if I said my family wasn't an influence - just not in that way. I choose Christ because I know that choosing Christ is choosing happiness. I don't know about you, but I like having joy in my life! I choose Christ because I want to be with my family forever. I choose Him because He chose to atone for my sins & die on the cross - for me. 

I guess when it comes down to it, I choose to serve & honor Christ because I know the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. It is the true church restored to the earth, and it is completely centered around Christ. I choose to follow Him because I choose truth and light.  I want eternal happiness & hope & joy & forgiveness!

I couldn't think of a better path to follow than the one that was left for us by the Savior.



Saturday, August 29, 2015

Learned More Than Lost

"I have learned a lot more than I have lost." -Rachel Stratton

^^I don't know if you guys have heard of Rachel, but if you haven't - read her blog HERE. She was 20 years old & passed away last Sunday after fighting with brain cancer for 3 years. I didn't hear of her story until the day she passed, which is impressive considering her family lives only a little ways from mine. This week I've been reading through her blog. I'm only a year into it but I am so impressed with her spirit. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but through her writing you can feel her courage & strength & faith in and love for Christ. I have never been so impressed with someone.

It's made me think a lot about some of the things I've gone through. I won't pretend they're anywhere near fighting brain cancer - because they're not. And I'm not saying 'poor me' because of them. So many people have it so much worse than I ever have, but it doesn't change the fact that we're all struggling. We're all being tested in our own ways, & none of them are easy.

A year and a half ago, I had my gallbladder removed 3 days after my 14th birthday. I dropped out of 8th grade & had to homeschool for the rest of the year. Without going into a crazy number of medical details, basically I've struggled - badly - with my health since I was 11. I actually had my gallbladder & appendix removed in the same surgery just to make sure I wouldn't have anything else to come in for! For so many different reasons, I've had a ridiculous # of tests done - like a colonoscopy in 7th grade, HIDA scan in 8th, ultrasounds, x-rays, an insane # of blood tests - you name it! I also found out last December that I have a degenerative neurological muscular disorder called Charcot Marie-Tooth (try saying that 10 time fast!). My dad & my grandpa both have it, along with a couple of my aunts & uncles, & it's hereditary - so we always kind of figured I had it. But I had an intense spike in leg pain last year, so I started going to doctor's for it. The first one wasn't a "kid" specialist, he was just a general leg/feet doctor. Basically he told me that within a few years, I wouldn't be able to walk. I needed surgery to lengthen my calf & would eventually need to lengthen my Achilles, which is an even riskier procedure. I had the potential of my arch collapsing, hammer toes, curled fingers - you name it. He told me I had the joints of a 70 year old & it would only get worse, and that no matter what we did, the end result would be a wheelchair. 

Needless to say, I was pretty devestated after that first appointment. We were going to set me up for surgery but decided not to because I had just made the school play. We ended up meeting with a specialist at primary children's, and his answer was completely different - don't have surgery yet. Wait & see. He said my legs are messed up but they're nowhere near as bad as we thought. He recommended physical therapy & if all else fails, surgery. Mostly because you don't want to have scar tissue in your legs ever - especially when you're younger!

And so the first couple of months of 2015 (a.k.a. this year) were way hard. I was struggling with pain a good amount of the time, and my stomach health was still not 100%. I also wasn't eating gluten (oh, the stories. I was more of a mess than I thought) which was SO hard. I started therapy, but I also had 2 hour play practices after school everyday. I'd go to school for 7 hours, play practice for 2, & therapy for another 2 or 3 hours. I'd come home and fall asleep as soon as I sat down, so I'd end up doing homework in the middle of the night or during school. Me and my counselor became good friends, haha! I was a counselor aide first tri, so I called people to the counseling office & helped them file and sort different things. She helped me switch out of PE 2nd tri when I was struggling with my legs. I talked to her a couple of times about switching to half days of school. I was the kid who got pulled out of class by their counselor just so they could check up on how I was doing! At the end of the year, I received my grades in the mail. Somehow I managed to keep a 4.0 all year, even with an insane amount of absences & not being able to focus on what I was doing while I was there. The only way that happened was through a lot of prayer and a lot of faith that God would help me through it. On my own, I couldn't have kept up my grades. With God, I did. My counselor wrote on my grades how proud she was that I got my 4.0, which is something I still carry in the back of my mind. I didn't get a 4.0 because I'm the most brilliant student out there, I got it because I worked hard & God helped me out - a lot.

Even today, almost a year after the CMT stuff started, I take pain cream with me everytime I travel. I can't run a mile without having the craziest leg spasms and pain for days after. My calves are ridiculously buff (and guys, I am nowhere near a 'buff' person), & I have a pair of giant leg braces that I'm supposed to wear everyday, but I don't because they're annoying. Maybe it will come to a point where I have to, but being the stubborn & probably irresponsible teenager I am, I'll avoid it as long as I can. I can't do the hikes at girls camp & I have to take all the physical education classes online. I'm not in physical therapy right now, but I'm careful.

(Hello giant leg brace & high quality pic)

In case you made it through that ridiculous amount of medical information that I said I wouldn't put in there but clearly did anyways (sometimes it's a little unavoidable), here's my point - I've learned more than I've lost. It really hit me when I read that on Rachel's blog.

My family has struggled - my health has struggled - my friendships have struggled - & my faith has struggled. I've lost plenty. I've lost friends, family members, time & experiences I could've had. At times I've lost hope, faith, and even purpose. There have been points where I haven't been able to live a normal life, and even now it's a little bit different. I've even literally had blood and organs taken from me.

BUT, more than any of that, I've learned so much. I've learned that if you trust in God & lean on Him in every circumstance, He will provide & carry you through. I've learned that struggles are nothing to be ashamed of - I'm still learning that one! I didn't tell anyone when I was going through therapy or surgery, and the majority of people still don't know exactly what went down. I've always hated talking about any of it. Finally, I got over that - in a theater class with a group of kids that were all a year younger than me. I went up there & rambled for a solid 10 minutes about it (yes I was actually supposed to do that, don't worry, I'm not that weird) & it helped me realize that maybe I'm not my challenges - but at the same time, I am. Who I am today has been defined by my trials and struggles, and I'm honestly so proud to say that. There have been moments in the past couple of years where I couldn't see the point, and while I still don't understand it all, I know that through my trials God has made me so much better - so much stronger, and kinder, and more understanding. I'm less afraid and a little more hopeful. And I owe it to my trials and to God.

So, if you're struggling, here's my advice - have faith. Stay hopeful. Pray, all the time, and don't forget about your scriptures. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but God is good. And there will always be a reason for everything, even if you can't see it. Remember you are loved & remember there is always, always hope. And I know that if you trust in God, you will be able to come out of anything.

Because haven't we all truly learned more than we have lost?


Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Should I Care?

"Why should I care?" It's something we've all thought about one thing or another - I  personally think it several times a day at school! And while maybe that's an understandable thought when you're learning about random equations you will honestly never use in your life, I really hope that's not your attitude about personal progress!! And if it is, I'm here to change it.

So why should you care? Not to be a broken record, but essentially all of the reasons I talked about in my PP month intro post!

Rather than go through all of the MANY reasons you should love personal progress, I just wanted to post and share my testimony of this incredible program with you - because it is truly wonderful!!

Personal progress has changed SO much of my view on the future, the gospel, and the people around me. For me personally, I did most of my personal progress during one of the hardest times in my life. I was struggling with health, happiness, & motivation. Rather than turn away from the gospel, I chose to put everything into it. It gave me the motivation to keep going. I credit a lot of where I am today to personal progress and this wonderfully true gospel! Maybe it won't impact you the way it did me (I hope not in the exact same way, at least - health challenges are the worst!!) but I know it will help you get through so much. It will make you a better person and help you everyday. I don't doubt it because I've seen it in action!!
So just give it a shot. Try it! It definitely won't hurt and I promise it will help!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Be a Duck

                  //Via cutaia.net

Okay, not literally - although ducks are pretty dang adorable, but I'm not really sure that's possible. This is something my mom has told me since I was in preschool - "Be a duck!"

Ducks have waterproof feathers. Water basically rolls right off their back! And so, in this way we should be like them - not with water, but with the hard things that come our way. Especially as we are all heading back to school where we're too often faced with hard people & opposition. Some people are going to be just flat out unkind, no matter who you are or what you do. Classes might be hard, your group of friends might change - let it go!! Let it roll right off your back and not be a worry. Don't be easily offended. Remember you are a child of God and what anyone else has to say is honestly not even relevant. Trust in God & let it gooooooo!

Do your best, but accept anything & everything that comes your way. Your 4.0 slipped to a 3.97? It's okay!! (I promise) Someone made a snippy comment in the hall? Don't even worry about it. Be a duck this year & everything will work out just fine ♡


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Well hey there everyone!! Today's post is a little less serious... I was looking through my blog & I realized that I never actually introduced myself! I introduced my blog name & the reason behind it (read that HERE) but I never actually told you about myself. For all we know, I could be a creepy old man hiding behind the screen. Thank goodness I'm NOT, haha! So I figured it was about time I tell you a little bit about myself!

I'm Savannah, a.k.a Savvy/Vans/Nana + a thousand more depending on who you ask! I'm 15 years old (16 on Feb. 10th, yesss!!) and I live in a small town in northern Utah.

I have 4 brothers - 2 older & 2 younger. Basically I'll give you a little bit about each member of my family!
Dad - My dad is the bishop of our ward - he's also a serious travel pro because he travels for work at least 2 weeks out of every month. He's constantly busy, selfless, and the hardest worker I know. He's also a serious football fan & the best padre around!
Mom - FULL TIME SCHOOL. PART TIME WORK. FULL TIME EXTRAORDINARY MOM. ( I felt that deserved all caps because she's legit a superhero) My best friend & the most hilarious & headstrong person you'll ever meet - besides me, of course (;
Spencer's 20 & he's attending U of U. When I think of Spencer I think of MUSIC - he & Brooks started a band together in high school that won a Battle of the Bands & played at a bunch of cool places in Ogden & SLC. He's also very into politics. He's an inactive member of the church - he left the church pretty much during/after high school. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you never stop praying & trusting in God. He has a plan for each and every one of us!
Brooks is 18 & graduated from high school this year. He's hopefully a soon to be missionary - we're hoping to receive his call this Friday or next Friday! He's the sweetest kid & without a doubt the peacemaker in our home. Brooks is also insanely musically talented & when he finishes his mission he'll be going to USU to become a music therapist!
Lucas is 13 & in 8th grade. He's a CRAZY kid & rebellious as much as he can be, but he's got a good heart and I've learned more from him than anyone else. He loves sports, especially football and soccer. And joggers - the kid loves his joggers!
Eli is 9 & in 4th grade. Funniest kid you will ever meet. Seriously intelligent & obsessed with Harry Potter & animals. He's so kind hearted and just a little bit awkward (;

And of course our family wouldn't be complete without our 3 cats (we did NOT intend to have that many!!), Crookshanks, Legolas & Katniss, & our dog, Toby. They're all named after books/movies - Crookshanks is Hermione's cat in Harry Potter, Legolas from Lord of the Rings, and Katniss from The Hunger Games. Toby isn't technically from a movie, but if you ask me it's short for Tobias from Divergent (;

On my side of things, I love theater & music & piano & performing! All good things. I've been in 2 plays - The King & I and Bye Bye Birdie - and I'm currently in Footloose. I love it! I've also worked at a snowcone stand all summer, which is great because I get free snowcones but it's not so great because I get paid close to nothing! But I'm 15 with a job so I shouldn't complain(;

I'm also slightly movie & Netflix obsessed. If I had to choose my favorites the list would include lots of musicals - like Les Mis & Hairspray, Marvel movies (Captain America is #1), Tim Burton movies & a whole ton of random ones like Jurassic World, Penelope & Cokeville Miracle. Honestly I love them all! As for TV shows I can't choose there either! My tops would definitely have to include Gilmore Girls, Glee & anything on HGTV. I'm just a big fan of it all! 

I love music from pretty much all categories, except for most rap & country (sorry, but what can I say?). I also love random things like fall, Tillamook ice cream, Dr. Pepper & writing. Basically just the good things! (;

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better because I enjoyed writing it! (;

Until next time...


Family Reunion 2015
Me & my cousins 
(I'm in the middle!)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Family History

***This is a talk I was asked to give at a stake YW's activity about family history. I debated writing a whole separate post - & I'm sure I will eventually - but this talk tells you about my struggle with family history! I want to make it clear to anyone who is struggling that it's not just them, & it will ALWAYS be worth it!!***

Today I’ve been asked to speak on family history and different challenges I’ve had with it, and how I’ve been able to overcome those. So on my family history line, if you go straight back, it comes to a dead end on every line eventually. When I first started looking for names, I thought that the only thing I could do was find the names that weren’t there. For me, that didn’t work out so well. I couldn’t find any records or leads, and it was just really frustrating. I knew it was important to do family history, but I decided it was too hard and I gave up on it. Then, a couple of months later, we had a fireside on how you can find work in your cousin’s lines. It seemed easy enough so I decided to try the different approach. In an hour or so I found five names through my dad’s cousins. Unfortunately, after I found those names, I couldn’t find any more, even after working on it for another hour. Being the impatient person I am, I gave up again and decided that family history wasn’t for me. I was fine with that until my ward gave us a family history challenge in August. Each of the young men and young women in my ward were asked to find 5 names for baptisms and index 1,000 names. If we reached our goal, we would go to the Salt Lake temple to do all of the baptisms. They gave us three months and a lot of encouragement. We had several mutual activities on it, and they even called two youth family history consultants. 

Slowly I realized that this was my opportunity to really start doing family history. I knew that something about what I was doing to find names wasn’t working. I decided that I would pray before I started doing any family history, and I wouldn’t listen to music while I was doing it. They both seemed like simple things, but for me, they made all the difference. When I was really focused on what I was doing, it was a lot easier to keep a good perspective on it. I also realized how important it is to make sure the spirit is present when you’re doing the work, because sometimes it’s hard to know if what you’re doing is right. The first time I prayed before working on it, I was able to find 20 names in an hour. I haven’t been so lucky after that first time, but after working on it for several hours every week, I’ve found 94 names, 50 of which I’ll be taking to the Salt Lake temple with my ward on Saturday. (Remind me to blog about this - it was the neatest thing!!) For me, the names never just appeared in my line. Family history isn’t simple. We have amazing technology that makes it easier, but it doesn’t always immediately give you what you’re looking for. But I know that if you put the time and effort into finding names, you’ll be able to find them. Don’t give up like I did so many times. Trust in the Spirit and you’ll be able to do the work that the prophet and his apostles have called us to do. It really is important and it’ll bless you and bring you so much peace. 

I know that doing family history really has made a difference in my life, and I know it can make a difference for anyone who is willing to even try. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

You Love Who You Serve

Today I have the opportunity to speak on service in sacrament meeting. I loved this topic, and I think it's so important, so I decided I would share it here! I think service is such a great thing and there are so many ways to help others and be kind. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and feel a little more directed and ready for another week!!

When my mom was in high school, my grandma and grandpa were in charge of the youth conference in Kirkland, Washington. They decided to do something completely different for their conference. Instead of choosing the usual flashy and entertaining route, which might have involved white river rafting and other exciting activities, they decided to do a huge service project. They gathered together 180 kids and built two barns in 3 days. The first barn was a half barn, half shed, built for an older man in the community. His old shed blew down in a bad storm, and the insurance wouldn’t pay to replace it. The second was more of a house, built for a family of 8 who had lost all of their money and were living in a small trailer. Their conference theme was, “You Love Who You Serve.” While at first none of the kids were very excited about working in a construction site for 3 days, as they began the project and worked together, they realized just exactly the importance of what they were doing. Their attitudes began to change as they found how much they loved what they were doing. Not so much because any of them really enjoyed construction or building barns, but because they loved putting the work into something that would benefit someone else. It was completely unselfish time spent, but it benefited the kids who were working the most. As one boy said in an article written in the New Era, “Mr. Roney (the man they were building the shed for) told us the quality of our work was A-1, top-notch. The look on his face as this place went up taught me I’m happiest when making someone else happy.” He continues on, saying, “I remembered working along with my friends and feeling something. I glanced around. It wasn’t just my friends; the Savior was there too.”
 Service can be an overwhelming thing. We are provided with plenty of opportunities at mutual, youth conferences, and camps, but trying to do things with a willing heart and on our own time can be a hard thing. A lot of times when I think of service, I think of huge projects, and it feels like a lot. But service doesn’t always have to be something as greatly big as building 2 barns in 3 days - in fact, as awesome as that is, it rarely has to be of that size. Service can be found in the way we treat others. Smiling at people in the hall at school, saying hi to someone you usually wouldn’t. A lot of times, service can be found in the kind of person you are. I really like this quote that says, “Fill yourself up with so much love that it spills into the lives of others.” When you reach out to people in the little ways and let them know that you’re there for them, even if you aren’t best friends, that’s one of the purest forms of service you could give to someone.

            So how do you become that kind of person? It always bothers me when I ask my mom how to do something and she tells me to “just make the choice to do it!” but in this case, it’s kind of true. Once we become aware of the people around us and the difference we could make for them, we can look for ways to reach out to them. Make the choice every day to look around you and find opportunities to serve, large and small.

            Another thing that would help us in our efforts to serve and be kind would be to make sure that we are sure of ourselves, and I think a good way to do that is to be rooted in the gospel. Like President Uchtdorf said, “We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, and truly see the things that matter most.” If we understand God’s love for those around us, and we have Christ’s example to follow every day, it will be so much easier to be willing to serve. We are all capable of amazing things on our own, but I know from experience that if we have God’s power behind us it will hugely amplify what we’re doing by ourselves.

       So why should we do service? Why should we really worry about the people around us when we already have plenty of our own things to worry about? First of all is what I think is a pretty clear reason, and that is that the people around us matter. A lot of people that we have the opportunity to interact with everyday don’t have a lot of support in their lives. If we can recognize that and become the support and friend they need, we’ll be helping shape a part of their future. If everyone were to reach out to just one person every day, can you imagine the effect that would have on the kind of world we live in? Another reason would be that service affects each of us and the kind of person we’re becoming. When we look outside of ourselves, we can find the kind of joy and peace that we should find in this life. Like President Monson said, “To find real happiness, we must seek for it in a focus outside ourselves.” By becoming more like the Savior through service, we can become happier, better people. And I don’t know about you, but I kind of prefer joy over misery.

            I would like to bear my testimony that I know that service is a truly great thing. There are so many opportunities around us to help others. Whether it’s a huge project like building a barn or two, or just helping someone pick up papers they dropped in the hall, it matters, and it makes a difference. I know that if we each strive to become better and be better to those around us, we will become closer to the Savior and become more secure in the gospel and in our testimony of it. I hope we will all look for more opportunities to serve and be willing to take part in them. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


(Do you write out your testimony in talks?? I always do! Personally it gives me more direction towards what I want to say. Sometimes I follow it exactly when speaking, sometimes not, but it helps me stay on topic! Do you have any talk tips or things you do to help when speaking?)

*New Era article credit - written by Tracy H. Barrand in the June 1987 edition of the New Era, called "Hair-raising, Care-raising, Barn-raising." Read the whole article here!
