Monday, November 23, 2015

Fall Favorites/Things I'm Grateful For

Hellooooo! I thought a fun post for today would be kind of a combo theme - I've been wanting to do a 'Fall Favorites' post & then I thought, "Hmm, is that too beauty guru YouTube-y, which is totally not what I'm going for?" (Nothing against beauty gurus, that's just not what I'm going for) So basically I came around to the conclusion that it's my blog & I can do what I want. No, honestly I do care what you guys think, but I thought it would be fun so we'll try this. Kay? Kay.

Also I'm not sure if it's still really fall, but I'm pretty sure it's not technically winter. So I'm going to say it's NOT too late to do this. Another reason I waited so long is because I thought it would go really well with Thanksgiving - because everything I love I'm also grateful for! Ya see?

That was a long introduction & probably unnecessary but OH WELL. Props to you for reading to here(;

Let's do this.

•My military jacket! I got it at Böhme maybe 2 months ago & I wear it pretty much allll the time. It's warm, it has 80,000 pockets, & it's cute. I have no complaints. (You can get similar ones basically anywhere - Forever21, American Eagle, etc.)
•IPSY. It's a subscription that I think is $5 a month. You receive a makeup bag with 4-5 products once a month. I love getting different things than I would usually try. There's so much variety & it's really fun to get packages in the mail, am I right?(; 
•Benefit 'They're Real!' Mascara. This really goes along with Ipsy because that's how I got it! Pretty sure it's overly expensive but I absolutely love it - if I had money you could probably talk me into buying it. I'M A FAN.
•BOOTS. My #1 pair I actually got like a week ago... They're from Gordman's & they're the GREATEST thing. Not to mention I bought them for $13 so I'm pretty proud of myself. Someday I'll put a pic (currently at my grandparent's so I don't have them with me) so I don't have to describe them for you - but if you need boots, Gordman's is your place!
•Old Navy flannel. Hit up their Black Friday sale because it's BOMB

•Costco pumpkin pie. Because what else do you eat for breakfast?
•My Sunbeam heated blanket - honestly I can't survive the cold without it!
•Mockingjay Part 2. BEST MOVIE EVER. Seriously it made me so sad & so happy. Team Peeta all the way 👊
•The new unicorn emoji 🦄🦄🦄 (which I'm pretty sure doesn't show up, but you get what I'm saying)
•Pumpkin Spice Popcorn - also found at Costco. IT'S LIKE FALL IN A BAG.
•Pumpkin Pie Bath & Body Works candle. To be honest I've been burning it since August!

I can't think of anything else but I'm sure there are a few more out there - basically these are the highlights of my fall! Things I love & things you should check out(:


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