Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grateful? Grateful.

Shoutout to me for totally killing it at posting everyday on gratitude. And by killing it, I mean not doing it. At all. 

I mean, I do have justifiable reasons. I'm actually working on a new blog on a different website/platform thingamabob - same blog as you're on right now, just different look, ya feel? Hopefully that will be live SOON! 

Then there's the fact that holidays are always insane. And our trimester ends this week so I've been focusing on grades more than anything. 

Regardless of all of that, I just wanted to post and say how grateful I am for Thanksgiving. It gives me a chance to step back and see how wonderful my life really is, & remember just how much I take for granted.

This morning I'm sitting watching VeggieTales with my little brother. Our dog, Toby, is sound asleep in the corner. My dad's at bishopric meetings, my other little brother is at the nursing home passing the sacrament. Brooks, my older brother, is at the single's ward for the last time. He gives his mission farewell next Sunday and leaves for the MTC the Wednesday after that. My mom's upstairs going over her Gospel Doctrine lesson.

Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot to you. But to me, it's a perfect representation of what I think of my family. Each and every one of them is such an example to me. We aren't a perfect family, no one is, but I have a good relationship with them and that's more than a lot of people can say. My friends are pretty neat. My classes are good. I have so many incredible opportunities. I have a life that I get to learn from, every day - I think we all do, if we look hard enough. I have the true gospel & I know where I came from, where I'm going and why I'm here. The rest doesn't mean much, but I'm so grateful for it - the food on my table and the roof over my head. Life is good. It's not perfect, but it never needed to be.

Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you! May we look at everything with more of an open mind and a happy spirit of gratitude. Appreciate your family, your friends, and anything & everything God has blessed you with. Life is good when you're grateful.


(Alvin & the Chipmunks @ Shriner's Hospital this week)

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