Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Should I Care?

"Why should I care?" It's something we've all thought about one thing or another - I  personally think it several times a day at school! And while maybe that's an understandable thought when you're learning about random equations you will honestly never use in your life, I really hope that's not your attitude about personal progress!! And if it is, I'm here to change it.

So why should you care? Not to be a broken record, but essentially all of the reasons I talked about in my PP month intro post!

Rather than go through all of the MANY reasons you should love personal progress, I just wanted to post and share my testimony of this incredible program with you - because it is truly wonderful!!

Personal progress has changed SO much of my view on the future, the gospel, and the people around me. For me personally, I did most of my personal progress during one of the hardest times in my life. I was struggling with health, happiness, & motivation. Rather than turn away from the gospel, I chose to put everything into it. It gave me the motivation to keep going. I credit a lot of where I am today to personal progress and this wonderfully true gospel! Maybe it won't impact you the way it did me (I hope not in the exact same way, at least - health challenges are the worst!!) but I know it will help you get through so much. It will make you a better person and help you everyday. I don't doubt it because I've seen it in action!!
So just give it a shot. Try it! It definitely won't hurt and I promise it will help!!

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