Monday, August 17, 2015

Be a Duck


Okay, not literally - although ducks are pretty dang adorable, but I'm not really sure that's possible. This is something my mom has told me since I was in preschool - "Be a duck!"

Ducks have waterproof feathers. Water basically rolls right off their back! And so, in this way we should be like them - not with water, but with the hard things that come our way. Especially as we are all heading back to school where we're too often faced with hard people & opposition. Some people are going to be just flat out unkind, no matter who you are or what you do. Classes might be hard, your group of friends might change - let it go!! Let it roll right off your back and not be a worry. Don't be easily offended. Remember you are a child of God and what anyone else has to say is honestly not even relevant. Trust in God & let it gooooooo!

Do your best, but accept anything & everything that comes your way. Your 4.0 slipped to a 3.97? It's okay!! (I promise) Someone made a snippy comment in the hall? Don't even worry about it. Be a duck this year & everything will work out just fine ♡


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