Thursday, October 29, 2015

Infinitely More

Something that's been interesting about posting on here is how many people read it that I actually know. I'm cool with sharing things with strangers, but when it comes to people I know? It's awkward. Then again, it's probably good - I say so much more on here than I would in person, which I think would be true about anyone whose thoughts you were reading rather than hearing... if that makes any sense.

The more people learn about the fact that I have a 'muscle disorder', the more they genuinely treat me differently. I wish I could show this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland to all of them - "We are infinitely more than our limitations and our afflictions." I am literally the exact same person I was a month ago. I like to think I grew a little more as a person (not heightwise, I totally wish though), but besides that, nothing's changed. Believe it or not, I've known my entire life that I have this muscle disorder. I didn't know so much what it meant, & I didn't have to deal with it as much, but it's always been a part of me. The fact that you now know about it doesn't change anything about me. And here's the thing about the changes I've had to make & how I feel day to day - it's not a big deal. It might sound like a big deal, but honestly, for me it is truly just living. It just feels like life & I'm living it! Kay?(;

Okay. That's really only one of the purposes of me writing this post, but I wanted to throw that out there!

The second & actual point of this is that we are all so much more than any aspect of our lives. You're so much more than the number of friends you have, your grades, what clubs you're in & whether or not you were asked to Prom. Your potential is limitless. Today doesn't define the rest of your life. Choose to treat today like the small part of eternity it is & you'll recognize how little the 'big' things really are. Don't let the dumb things define you.

It's funny reading through people's Twitter accounts & seeing how unhappy so many of them are. I get that it's just a snapshot of their lives, but holy cow - it feels like 98% complaining. And I get it. LIFE IS HARD. HIGH SCHOOL IS HARD. I'll be the first to say it. But it's such a small part of everything. Four years - basically three where I live - of your life that won't matter ten years from now. Things that seem so dramatic, & frustrating, & all important in the moment. You're more than those moments. Your life is more than the hard things today, next week & next year. Keep your perspective. I promise it makes all the difference.


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