Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st


December is definitely my favorite month of the year! The name of my blog & Instagram account actually came from a Christmas hymn because I love Christmas SO MUCH.

I kind of liked having a theme to blog on last month (gratitude) & while I totally bombed the whole posting every day thing & probably won't try that again for a while, I think I might try & go for another theme this month. 

So, I decided on SERVICE! And all things random & Christmas, of course. But mostly service! Christmas can become so much about getting instead of giving, but really it's the perfect opportunity to give back to everyone who's helped you out through the year. So this month I'll be sharing service ideas & fun things you can do to give back, from little to big.


Happy December!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fall Favorites/Things I'm Grateful For

Hellooooo! I thought a fun post for today would be kind of a combo theme - I've been wanting to do a 'Fall Favorites' post & then I thought, "Hmm, is that too beauty guru YouTube-y, which is totally not what I'm going for?" (Nothing against beauty gurus, that's just not what I'm going for) So basically I came around to the conclusion that it's my blog & I can do what I want. No, honestly I do care what you guys think, but I thought it would be fun so we'll try this. Kay? Kay.

Also I'm not sure if it's still really fall, but I'm pretty sure it's not technically winter. So I'm going to say it's NOT too late to do this. Another reason I waited so long is because I thought it would go really well with Thanksgiving - because everything I love I'm also grateful for! Ya see?

That was a long introduction & probably unnecessary but OH WELL. Props to you for reading to here(;

Let's do this.

•My military jacket! I got it at Böhme maybe 2 months ago & I wear it pretty much allll the time. It's warm, it has 80,000 pockets, & it's cute. I have no complaints. (You can get similar ones basically anywhere - Forever21, American Eagle, etc.)
•IPSY. It's a subscription that I think is $5 a month. You receive a makeup bag with 4-5 products once a month. I love getting different things than I would usually try. There's so much variety & it's really fun to get packages in the mail, am I right?(; 
•Benefit 'They're Real!' Mascara. This really goes along with Ipsy because that's how I got it! Pretty sure it's overly expensive but I absolutely love it - if I had money you could probably talk me into buying it. I'M A FAN.
•BOOTS. My #1 pair I actually got like a week ago... They're from Gordman's & they're the GREATEST thing. Not to mention I bought them for $13 so I'm pretty proud of myself. Someday I'll put a pic (currently at my grandparent's so I don't have them with me) so I don't have to describe them for you - but if you need boots, Gordman's is your place!
•Old Navy flannel. Hit up their Black Friday sale because it's BOMB

•Costco pumpkin pie. Because what else do you eat for breakfast?
•My Sunbeam heated blanket - honestly I can't survive the cold without it!
•Mockingjay Part 2. BEST MOVIE EVER. Seriously it made me so sad & so happy. Team Peeta all the way 👊
•The new unicorn emoji 🦄🦄🦄 (which I'm pretty sure doesn't show up, but you get what I'm saying)
•Pumpkin Spice Popcorn - also found at Costco. IT'S LIKE FALL IN A BAG.
•Pumpkin Pie Bath & Body Works candle. To be honest I've been burning it since August!

I can't think of anything else but I'm sure there are a few more out there - basically these are the highlights of my fall! Things I love & things you should check out(:


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grateful? Grateful.

Shoutout to me for totally killing it at posting everyday on gratitude. And by killing it, I mean not doing it. At all. 

I mean, I do have justifiable reasons. I'm actually working on a new blog on a different website/platform thingamabob - same blog as you're on right now, just different look, ya feel? Hopefully that will be live SOON! 

Then there's the fact that holidays are always insane. And our trimester ends this week so I've been focusing on grades more than anything. 

Regardless of all of that, I just wanted to post and say how grateful I am for Thanksgiving. It gives me a chance to step back and see how wonderful my life really is, & remember just how much I take for granted.

This morning I'm sitting watching VeggieTales with my little brother. Our dog, Toby, is sound asleep in the corner. My dad's at bishopric meetings, my other little brother is at the nursing home passing the sacrament. Brooks, my older brother, is at the single's ward for the last time. He gives his mission farewell next Sunday and leaves for the MTC the Wednesday after that. My mom's upstairs going over her Gospel Doctrine lesson.

Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot to you. But to me, it's a perfect representation of what I think of my family. Each and every one of them is such an example to me. We aren't a perfect family, no one is, but I have a good relationship with them and that's more than a lot of people can say. My friends are pretty neat. My classes are good. I have so many incredible opportunities. I have a life that I get to learn from, every day - I think we all do, if we look hard enough. I have the true gospel & I know where I came from, where I'm going and why I'm here. The rest doesn't mean much, but I'm so grateful for it - the food on my table and the roof over my head. Life is good. It's not perfect, but it never needed to be.

Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you! May we look at everything with more of an open mind and a happy spirit of gratitude. Appreciate your family, your friends, and anything & everything God has blessed you with. Life is good when you're grateful.


(Alvin & the Chipmunks @ Shriner's Hospital this week)

Monday, November 9, 2015


••I didn't have time to write a blog post today so I went through my drafts & found this that I never published! It's from the end of September & while a lot has changed since then, I think the message is the same thing I would give now. Today I'm grateful for change & for direction from God - I was going through a rough time when I wrote this & today I can proudly say that things are working out! Enjoy(; ••

Hey! It's been a little while! I feel like doing an update because the last month has been quite interesting.

First of all & on a very HAPPY note, we got a dog! His name is Toby Bartholomew Taylor & he's 9 weeks old. He is seriously the cutest thing ever!! He's a goldendoodle, which means he's a mix of a golden retriever and a poodle. Whoever decided to try that combo out was a genius because honestly... look at that.

I have never been a dog person but this little guy is converting me! We got him on Friday & having a puppy is kind of like having a newborn - seriously exhausting but so much fun!

I've also basically spent the month living in a 'flare-up' of CMT (I blogged a little about what CMT is in several of my past posts!). I think going up and down the stairs at school & starting play practice just triggered this reaction in me. I went to an eye specialist a week or two ago and turns out I need surgery on my right eye. I have a weak muscle/a slight lazy eye, and it's actually been affecting my vision the last couple of months. My parents really don't want to drive with me because I can't see the road or signs (; The eye doctor told me that I shouldn't be driving until I get my eye fixed - which stinks because it means I have to put off driver's ed. There's a couple of factors that go into this eye surgery - 1) They are cutting into my eye and that's like risking blindness no matter what, even though it is a tiny chance. Plus there is the fact that if I don't do the surgery at some point, I'm still risking going blind in that eye or seriously losing vision. Realistically there's a slim to none chance that I'll actually go blind, but that doesn't really change the fact that eye surgery sounds scary!! 

2) After the surgery my eye will be 100% bloodshot for anywhere from 1-2 months. That means that anything white in my eye will be red. I Googled pictures and guys, it's scary looking. The eye doctor straight up told me that no one will want to look at me for a couple months there. So that kind of changes when we do it! I could get it done over Christmas break & go to school with it - I turn 16 in February so then I would be able to drive when I actually should be able to! But I would go to school looking like a terrifying monster, & I don't know about you but I'm not really digging that option! I could also wait until the summer to do it, but then I'd have to deal with my vision even longer and put off driving until next August. I'm not too pumped about that either.

Here's the root of all of it though - they think my eye is lazy/weak because of my CMT. Apparently there is a certain type of CMT that can weaken your eye muscles. We aren't for sure that I have that type so I don't know if I want to go blaming it on that yet, buuut the reality is it's affecting more than I thought it would. The possibility of it affecting my eyes and my vision kind of makes me nervous. 

Back to what I was saying about the CMT flare-up - my eye is just a part of that. My calf muscles and my Achilles and my feet just hurt, so much of the time. I can't do the stairs at school so I had to get an elevator key, which so far I've been too stubborn to use. My hands and arms feel like they're on vibrate. My fingers clench sometimes and it feels like I can't pull them back up. I can't get my heel to hit the floor without serious strain, and really I'm just tired all the time.

I have an appointment at Shriner's Hospital in SLC in a couple of weeks, where they have CMT specialists. We're looking into different braces/surgeries/physical therapy - whatever options they have for us. At this point I am definitely willing to try surgery because I've heard good things about the procedure one of the doctors recommended. We would probably just do the eye and one of my leg surgeries around the same time if we decided that was an option. We're also looking at the possibility of homeschooling, because that would be the easiest with these potential surgeries & braces, & I'm really struggling with school right now. I don't really see homeschooling as a giving up option, more of a 'This is better' option. Honestly I'm happy with whatever is best.

And that's what I'm trying to say here - I have some fear. Fear that I can see the reality of the doctor who told me I probably wouldn't be able to walk at some point in my life. Fear of surgeries, and change, and actually having to deal with some things. But above all of that fear, I'm learning to find the faith. I can't do this by myself, and that's where Christ comes in. I truly believe that with Christ, I will be able to walk my whole life - if that's what I'm meant to do. Parts of my path may be tough but I'm learning to not be afraid of those pieces. I honestly have it so good compared to what it could be. Wherever my path takes me is okay, as long as I keep the Lord on my side.

I absolutely love this quote from Women's Conference & I think it's appropriate to end that topic with it!


To end on a happier note, I finally finished up my job at the snowie stand 3ish weeks ago. I miss the money but not the job! (; I don't think my life calling is working in a snowie stand unfortunately, but it was a fun opportunity & not a bad way to spend the summer!

I'm also in our high school play - Footloose - & so far so good. I have a love hate relationship with theater but I'm honestly enjoying this one! There are so many good people in the show & I think it'll be a fun production. 

I think that's all on my end! Happy Tuesday & (almost!) happy October!!


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 2

Today I'm thankful for 1:00 church! Because I like sleep... & I like going to church... & this way, that works out(;

Happy Sabbath!

(Here's a random & somewhat blurry - sorry - pic of my ward's YW @ youth conference. Because church.. YW's... Kay.)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Month of Gratitude

I'm late on this. But that's okay - better late than never, right?(;

I've loved seeing people post daily (during the month of November) what they're grateful for & I decided that would be a really good thing for me, too! I honestly want to see if I can come up with enough things to talk about that I'm grateful for. I'm pretty dang blessed & I don't recognize it like I should, so I think this is a way cool opportunity to remind myself to look a little bit past myself!!

So let's go at it!

Day 1 (I guess 7 considering it's November 7th!): 
Say whaaaat? Yes, the first thing I'm thankful for in November is CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! Usually I try really hard to avoid listening to it until around Thanksgiving, because once I start listening to it - I can't stop! This year that's gone out the window because I've already started with the music, movies AND decoration. I'm slightly ashamed. Christmas music really just makes me SO happy!! And today I had to clean the bathroom so that was my only motivation, haha! I absolutely LOVE the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. It's really such a beautiful time of gratitude, love, family & the Spirit. YAY!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Infinitely More

Something that's been interesting about posting on here is how many people read it that I actually know. I'm cool with sharing things with strangers, but when it comes to people I know? It's awkward. Then again, it's probably good - I say so much more on here than I would in person, which I think would be true about anyone whose thoughts you were reading rather than hearing... if that makes any sense.

The more people learn about the fact that I have a 'muscle disorder', the more they genuinely treat me differently. I wish I could show this quote by Jeffrey R. Holland to all of them - "We are infinitely more than our limitations and our afflictions." I am literally the exact same person I was a month ago. I like to think I grew a little more as a person (not heightwise, I totally wish though), but besides that, nothing's changed. Believe it or not, I've known my entire life that I have this muscle disorder. I didn't know so much what it meant, & I didn't have to deal with it as much, but it's always been a part of me. The fact that you now know about it doesn't change anything about me. And here's the thing about the changes I've had to make & how I feel day to day - it's not a big deal. It might sound like a big deal, but honestly, for me it is truly just living. It just feels like life & I'm living it! Kay?(;

Okay. That's really only one of the purposes of me writing this post, but I wanted to throw that out there!

The second & actual point of this is that we are all so much more than any aspect of our lives. You're so much more than the number of friends you have, your grades, what clubs you're in & whether or not you were asked to Prom. Your potential is limitless. Today doesn't define the rest of your life. Choose to treat today like the small part of eternity it is & you'll recognize how little the 'big' things really are. Don't let the dumb things define you.

It's funny reading through people's Twitter accounts & seeing how unhappy so many of them are. I get that it's just a snapshot of their lives, but holy cow - it feels like 98% complaining. And I get it. LIFE IS HARD. HIGH SCHOOL IS HARD. I'll be the first to say it. But it's such a small part of everything. Four years - basically three where I live - of your life that won't matter ten years from now. Things that seem so dramatic, & frustrating, & all important in the moment. You're more than those moments. Your life is more than the hard things today, next week & next year. Keep your perspective. I promise it makes all the difference.
