Saturday, February 28, 2015

Personal Progress Month

I hope you're curious about this from the title... Because I'm pretty excited about it!!

I was reading through a talk I gave almost a year ago, after I earned my young women's medallion. As I read it, I started to remember how passionate I was (am!) about personal progress, and how much I've lost that after completing the program! So, for somewhat selfish reasons, I decided that on here, March will be spent focusing on personal progress and the difference it has made/can make in each of our lives! I'll share LOTS of project ideas (I know how hard those can be sometimes!), Honor Bee ideas, reasons to love personal progress, little things you can do to make personal progress easier (but more meaningful!)... The list goes on! I was going to do a week, but then I decided there was just too much to fit in just 7 days. So here we are!

I really hope you're as excited about this as I am!! PERSONAL PROGRESS IS AMAZING!! Okay? Okay. Now let's have fun with this!!

(Also - hint, hint - you can totally pop your e-mail in that box over there to make sure you don't miss a single post, project idea, or inspiration! I highly recommend it(; )


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