Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In All Things

This post was kind of spurred by an experience I had at 4 AM this morning. I spent a good part of last night up & violently sick - as was my little brother! It was miserable. I tried everything I could think of to help, but nothing worked. Then I realized one thing I hadn't done - prayed!! So, I got down on my knees and asked God to relieve me of my nausea. It wasn't a long or deep prayer - but it was powerful in the way that I was turning my situation over to God. I was asking Him to help me in a way that I couldn't.

Before I even said 'Amen', the nausea had vanished. It was something I had been dealing with for hours, that couldn't be helped by medicine. And all I had to do was pray for it to leave! All I had to do was ask, and God was right there with an answer! It's a sad kind of funny, the number of times our situations could be completely changed, if we would only think of our Savior.
God is just waiting for you to ask for His help. He has the answers and solutions to every one of our problems! He will bless us with those answers, if only we'll let Him. I can't promise you that the answers will come immediately, like they did for me this morning. I can't promise that the solution will be what you want to hear. But I can promise that if you will turn to Christ, and trust Him with all things, you will always end up where you need to be. One day, every single trial will be over. For some of us, it'll be in this life - and for some of us, it will be the next. But I promise you that those answers and ends of trials will come, if only we will turn our problems to the Savior.
Pray to Him in all things! Trust Him with all things! Nothing is too 'unimportant' for Christ. He loves and cares about each and every one of you, and every part of your situation! His answer will never be, "Sorry, this isn't exactly high on my list of priorities." What it will be is an answer of love and compassion! He understands each and every little thing you're going through, because He experienced them. He has lived what you are living, and He understands why you feel the way you do!! Do not ever hesitate to turn to Him and ask Him for guidance and help, or even just comfort. He will understand better than anyone what you are going through. He is waiting for you. Don't deny yourself of the blessings that are in store for you, if you will simply ask for them!

The Savior is waiting for you, but it's up to you whether or not you will let His infinite blessings in your life. May we always turn to Him first, in all things.



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