Friday, April 24, 2015


Well hello everyone!

Long time no see....!

I had every intention of finishing out personal progress month strong, unfortunately I made it 2 posts in and then life kind of overwhelmed me! Almost two months later and I'm just barely stopping to breathe a little. This blog is still very important to me and I do plan on regularly posting, as soon as I figure out this whole schedule and balancing thing! And there will be many more personal progress posts in the future, I actually have 5 in my drafts folder right now that are in the works!

I think one of the things that has slightly overwhelmed me with beginning to blog is really just figuring it all out! There are so many ways to format your blog and make it look good, and I quite honestly don't understand any of them. It's frustrating to try to find things to make your blog nicer and then realizing you're not as technologically-savvy as you think you are! But I don't doubt that I'll figure things out and that I will get to where I want to be. 

I was thinking about how this applies to so many of us, in so many different ways. How many of us are willing to quit on something as soon as we realize we aren't exactly perfect at it? I'll be the first to admit that I often give up on things just because I don't get them immediately. But that isn't how we learn! If we give up right as we're learning, if we expect to be completely and utterly perfect at everything right off the bat, we're setting ourselves up for a lot of disappointment. We're also not giving ourselves the opportunity to learn and become better. There are definitely going to be things we get immediately, and that come more naturally to us than others. There are also going to be things that make no sense and are harder to go after! Those are the things you should chase!! 

Imperfection is nothing to be ashamed of. It shows that you're growing and learning and becoming better. And I don't know about you, but I would rather know that I was becoming better than staying exactly the same in my comfort zone!


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