Monday, March 2, 2015

Faith Value Project Ideas

To start out the month of personal progress, we'll be starting at the beginning of the values - faith! I want to share with you what I did for my project & other ideas of things you could do. I think the projects are one of the hardest but most fun parts of personal progress. You can do so much with them!

I completed my faith project in October 2013. I based it around general conference! To prepare, I bought a cute little notebook specifically for the conference. Then I decorated pages in the front of the notebook with pictures of all of the general authorities and little quotes from talks they had given.

(Once again - photo quality. I am so sorry!! I'll get better at this but I really wanted to get this post up, so I just used my phone again!)

I also had a page dedicated to quotes about faith (this was my faith project, after all!).

Then, during conference, I stayed awake & actually listened to all of the talks (something I do every time now!) and took notes for every speaker.

After conference, I went back through all of my notes and made goals for the next six months based on the prophet's counsel. I also wrote my thoughts on conference and my testimony of the truths that were spoken during it!

This was really a great project!! Before it, watching general conference was kind of a struggle for me. I definitely think it helped me realize the importance of conference! It also gave me answers that I so needed at that point in time. One of them was whether or not I should receive my patriarchal blessing - and I felt like it was a solid yes! I received it on November 10th, 2013.

If my project isn't really clicking with ya, here are a few more great ideas! (Faith was definitely one of the hardest values for me to find a project for.) Keep in mind that they need to total up to 10 hours:
*Write letters to missionaries
*Keep a scripture journal and write in it every day
*Memorize scripture masteries
*Memorize "The Living Christ"
*Memorize an inspiring poem
*Learn how to cross-stitch and make something that describes your feelings about the gospel
*Grow a garden
*Record stories from family or ward members who've demonstrated faith and compile a family history
*Create a website/blog featuring the YW values and your personal testimony (or an Instagram account!)
*Film interviews of friends and family members talking about their faith in Christ, then edit the video and set it to music
*Visit a church history location and create a scrapbook based on the trip, highlighting the faith of church members of that time period
*Write a book, play, song, short story or poem about faith
*Create a work of art that describes your feelings about the gospel
*Compile a family testimony book
*Sew scripture bags to give primary kids when they're baptized
*Make baptism books to give to primary kids when they're baptized
*Make a scrapbook about faith
(Disclaimer: I do not take credit for all of these ideas!! Huge shoutout to various websites & bloggers for 80% of these)

I hope you got a few ideas from this post!! Let me know if you like the formatting of it or if you would rather see these posts organized differently - I'm experimenting with it!


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