Monday, January 26, 2015

Choose Happy

I was making a few of my edits for the week today, and I realized that apparently I subconsciously chose a theme for the week! 


A main thing I've been thinking about lately is happiness. I'm realizing just how much of our attitudes are our choice. It sounds obvious, right? But think about it - how much of our happiness and mood is determined by our circumstances? How much do we let the world around us influence how we feel? 

I think we would all do well to make the decision today to be happy. I can definitely promise you that life will get in your way. There will be days that are hard, and sad, and lonely, and it's okay to accept that. Sad & frustrating days are a part of life, but it's our decision to move past them and choose to embrace a happy attitude instead. 

I also believe that happiness is a choice worth fighting for! I don't think happiness is simply accepting bad circumstances & staying in them. I think happiness is being okay with where you are, but also striving for a better tomorrow. I think it's constantly working towards a greater goal. Happiness isn't just a one time decision with magical results - it comes with a dedication that you have to re-commit to every day, and constantly push uphill for.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is this - you can be happy. You can find joy in your life, wherever you are, whatever your circumstance. You can find happiness in the fact that life will get better, and you can make it that way - even if it's just by changing your attitude!


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bells of Hope

First of all, to introduce myself, I really want to explain my blog/Instagram name. My mom asked me about it today, so I figured some of you might be curious as well!

My name is actually very Christmas inspired! Like Charles Dickens said, “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” I suppose this is part of my way to honor the Spirit of Christmas all year!

So what am I even talking about? Most of you have probably heard ‘I Heard the Bells’, written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. What you might not know is the story behind it – I didn’t until my mom told it a few days before Christmas!

Henry married Fanny Longfellow on July 13th 1843, and they lived together in Massachusetts. Together they had five children. 1861 was a tragic year for the Longfellow’s. On July 10th, Fanny Longfellow was fatally burned in the library of her home. She had been trimming her young daughter’s beautiful curls when she decided to preserve the clippings in sealing wax. When melting a bar of wax with a candle, a few drops fell on her dress. A breeze gusted through the window, lighting the material of Fanny’s dress and immediately wrapping her in flames. In her attempt to protect her daughters, she ran to Henry’s study. Henry frantically tried to extinguish the flames with a throw rug, to no avail. He then tried to smother the flames by throwing his arms around Fanny, severely burning his face, arms, and hands. Fanny died the next morning. Henry was too ill from his burns and grief to even attend her funeral.

The first Christmas after Fanny’s death, Longfellow wrote, “How inexpressibly sad are all holidays.” A year after the accident, he wrote, “I can make no record of these days. Better leave them wrapped in silence. Perhaps someday God will give me peace.” His journal entry for December 25th, 1862 reads: “A merry Christmas’ say the children, but that is no more for me.”

A year later, Longfellow received word that his oldest son Charles, a lieutenant in the Army of the Potomac, had been seriously wounded with a bullet passing under his shoulder blades and taking off a spinal process. The Christmas of 1863 was not recorded in Longfellow’s journal.

Finally, on Christmas Day of 1864, he wrote the poem, “Christmas Bells.” The occasion of writing the carol was not due to Charles’ death, as his son lived – rather, it is thought to be inspired by the soon to come end of the war, or Longfellow’s ability to finally see the hope of life again.

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!"

“The carol concludes with the bells carrying renewed hope for peace among men.” After so much grief, so many trials, and so much hardship in his life, Longfellow was still able to share his belief in God and his hope for the future. He was still able to hear the bells of hope, and put forward enough effort to share that glorious music!

I hope to be like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in that way. I hope to be able to find hope and peace in the gospel my entire life, whatever may come my way. I hope to always strive to share that message of love and joy in whatever ways I can. I truly believe in peace on earth and good-will to men. Kindness and understanding will bring you so far in life, and in the gospel. I have heard the Bells of Hope ringing, singing on their way, both loud and deep. I want to share that message, that hope, and that love with everyone I can!! Is not the message of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints peace and good-will to men? Is it not hope? I promise that if you look at the pure doctrines of the church, and not at media or imperfect people, you will find that it is.

If you made it to the end of this post, you are seriously amazing. I hope you felt the spirit of the story as much as I did when I heard it! I’m so excited to start this new journey with all of you and I hope you enjoy taking it with me!


( Thanks to & Wikipedia for the story info! )


Well hey there!!!

I’m so excited to say…


I’ve wanted to start a blog for the longest time, and I finally decided to take advantage of the New Year and go for it!

I hope you all enjoy taking this journey with me while I figure out designs, topics, and basically just how to run a blog! I’m so excited to be able to talk to you guys on a more meaningful level with a LOOOT more space to write!!

Let's do this!!
