Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dear Seminary Teachers

Today's post is mostly directed towards seminary teachers & seminary students - here's a few of my thoughts that I've had as I've gone back to seminary these last 2 weeks! (It's my 2nd year)

I honestly kind of struggle in seminary. I couldn't really tell you exactly why - I love the gospel! I love learning more and more about the teachings of the prophets, especially in such a different way with a whole variety of people. This year is especially great because it's my first year at the high school, so I'm combined with sophomores, juniors & seniors. It's really a great and powerful way to learn. I live in Utah so seminary is one of my classes during school, which is perfect. It's a break from the chaos and all of the 'fun' stuff, and I definitely need it!

And yet... I'm that kid who sits on the opposite side of the room from the teacher's desk. I generally use my phone for my scriptures, and I find myself wandering - a lot! When someone texts you or you get a notification from Instagram, it's so hard to not switch right over to that. And as much as I don't want to admit it, a lot of times I don't think twice about scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed instead of listening to class.

I also play piano & accompany my ward on the organ in sacrament meeting, so I definitely know how to play hymns. Anyone who's been in a seminary class knows one of the first things seminary teachers ask you is whether or not you are willing to play hymns on the piano. I'll be the first to admit that I'm kind of a punk about this! If you ask me personally and call me out on it, I'll tell you I play piano and I'll play in seminary... but there's a good chance I'm not going to volunteer that information! It's so terrible, honestly I feel a little like I'm just over here confessing my sins, haha! But let's keep going because there is a point to me saying this.

So, I'm a stinker in seminary. I don't really like raising my hand or sharing opinions, I'm not a fan of playing piano in there, and I really like Instagram. I'm your stereotypical difficult teenager.

But WHY? Why is my attitude towards seminary not so great? I wish I could blame it on my teacher, but unfortunately, he's one of the coolest teachers I've had in general and his lessons are always great - so there's no blame to be had there! I can't throw it at the kids in my class either, because I managed to end up with a couple of my friends and everyone else in my class is so sweet. So I guess I'm striking out on blaming other people here (shocker!).

It really comes down to me and my attitude. For some bizarre reason I'm cranky about seminary and I honestly can't pinpoint an exact reason. But the minute I walk in that classroom, I shut off. Maybe Satan knows that seminary's a really great thing and he's doing his best to stop me from that - I really don't know! Either way, I fall into it way too easily. But I get to choose whether I do or not.

Last week, my seminary teacher gave a lesson that was so spot on with something I was struggling with, that I couldn't help but put down my phone and my bad attitude and listen. It was such a good lesson, and it almost felt like it was pointed directly towards me. So, I decided that I really needed to get over myself and put a little more effort into seminary. The next day, I gave my phone to my friend who was sitting in front of me, and I brought my actual set of scriptures. AND I raised my hand and volunteered to play piano. I got so much more out of the class and I felt so much happier. I still had my moments, but it was a much better experience when I put the same effort into it that my teacher did.

So, here's what I'd want to say to seminary teachers - keep going. Those obnoxious teenagers who are sitting in the back of your classroom, playing on their phones, are listening - at least somewhat. And one day you might just have a message for them that they really, really need to hear. Chances are they don't actually hate you, or what you're saying - they just have their own challenges and struggles, and sometimes actively listening is just a little too hard. Trust me, I've basically been that person, and my seminary teacher has already made a difference for me.

And here's a word of advice to seminary students - please put your phones away. If you need them for your scriptures, don't get off of the gospel library app. But if there's any chance of you bringing actual, physical scriptures, do it - it will make so much of a difference! Do what you need to do to get off your phone and get into class. And be HAPPY about it! Attitude is everything, and seminary really is something to be positive about! I PROMISE.

Here's to another week!

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