Monday, August 31, 2015


Today I started HIGH SCHOOL!

It was crazy. I'm sure it'll be good but you guys - it's SO. MUCH. None of my classes were bad & I knew at least one person in every single one, which I seriously appreciated. Most of my teachers are a little on the weird side which is honestly awesome. Mostly it's just how big the school is! I feel so lost all of the time, although I will say I wasn't tardy once. I couldn't find anyone I knew & I took AP Psychology which I think will be great but I'm still a little terrified to be honest. I seriously got a syllabus today because I am in a COLLEGE CLASS. When did that happen?

THANKFULLY I have seminary 6th hour. I don't know my teacher or class yet because today they just had us all in one big group (they're teaching 4 classes during 6th hour - welcome to Utah). I'm really excited for it though. And I'm really, really grateful that I have it 6th hour! It gives me something to look forward to.

Our seminary theme this year is Joshua 24:15 - "Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

They asked us why we choose Christ. Individually, every day, why do we choose to serve & follow Christ? I didn't raise my hand and answer, but I figured if I blogged about it I would feel a little less guilty(; But seriously, it made me think. Why do I choose Christ?

It's not because my parents force me to, although I would be lying if I said my family wasn't an influence - just not in that way. I choose Christ because I know that choosing Christ is choosing happiness. I don't know about you, but I like having joy in my life! I choose Christ because I want to be with my family forever. I choose Him because He chose to atone for my sins & die on the cross - for me. 

I guess when it comes down to it, I choose to serve & honor Christ because I know the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. It is the true church restored to the earth, and it is completely centered around Christ. I choose to follow Him because I choose truth and light.  I want eternal happiness & hope & joy & forgiveness!

I couldn't think of a better path to follow than the one that was left for us by the Savior.



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