Monday, January 26, 2015

Choose Happy

I was making a few of my edits for the week today, and I realized that apparently I subconsciously chose a theme for the week! 


A main thing I've been thinking about lately is happiness. I'm realizing just how much of our attitudes are our choice. It sounds obvious, right? But think about it - how much of our happiness and mood is determined by our circumstances? How much do we let the world around us influence how we feel? 

I think we would all do well to make the decision today to be happy. I can definitely promise you that life will get in your way. There will be days that are hard, and sad, and lonely, and it's okay to accept that. Sad & frustrating days are a part of life, but it's our decision to move past them and choose to embrace a happy attitude instead. 

I also believe that happiness is a choice worth fighting for! I don't think happiness is simply accepting bad circumstances & staying in them. I think happiness is being okay with where you are, but also striving for a better tomorrow. I think it's constantly working towards a greater goal. Happiness isn't just a one time decision with magical results - it comes with a dedication that you have to re-commit to every day, and constantly push uphill for.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is this - you can be happy. You can find joy in your life, wherever you are, whatever your circumstance. You can find happiness in the fact that life will get better, and you can make it that way - even if it's just by changing your attitude!


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